Guilty, Not Sorry

ISBN: 9780595261970
Col·lecció: .
Autor: Tyben, Diane
Publicat: 2.002
Classe: LIBROS

Idioma: ENG
Enquadernació: RUSTICA
Pàgines: 196
Termini d'entrega: 5 Dies
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15,37 € 15.370000000000001 EUR 16,18 €

16,18 €

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    Author Adrian Prince is a Brad Pitt look alike, he´s a master at breaking boundaries and blowing minds. He spends 24/7 chasing literary fame and fortune. Adrian writes, "The publishing biz is more of a meat market than the Miss America Pageant." This engrossing expose´reveals South Florida´s nightlife of dance clubs, sassy strippers and poolside-skinny dipping. As the rich and famous are buzzed on happy clouds of Ecstasy and Viagra (Sexstasy). This one year diary of humorous prose and risque´sexual encounters makes GUILTY, NOT SORRY a rare triumph!