Little Jonh´s Belly button

ISBN: 9788498712797
Col·lecció: COLECCION O
Autor: Aragues, Ramon
Editorial: OQO
Publicat: 2.011
Classe: LIBROS

Idioma: ENG
Enquadernació: TAPA DURA
Pàgines: 36
Termini d'entrega: 5 Dies
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12,83 € 12.83 EUR 13,50 €

13,50 €

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    Little John was four years, four months and four days old. One day at bath time, a doubt about the small hole in his belly came to him. And the protagonist, as should happen to all of us, doesn´t like to leave any question unanswered. Children go through the why´ stage when an inexhaustible curiosity for everything that surrounds or concerns them becomes an absolute necessity to find out on their own. This way, being how the day to day learning and natural process of growing - imperceptible to oneself - comes about.