My grandmother´s house

ISBN: 9788498712766
Col·lecció: COLECCION O
Autor: Bruno, Pep
Editorial: OQO
Publicat: 2.011
Classe: LIBROS

Idioma: ENG
Enquadernació: TAPA DURA
Pàgines: 36
Termini d'entrega: 5 Dies
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12,83 € 12.83 EUR 13,50 €

13,50 €

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    Leave the village till you come to the valley, go into the wood and look for a solitary house with a fence around it... If you dare! In this story suspense and narrative tension are used to deal with the disturbing - but in the end amusing - day the protagonist goes through, on a day he thinks to be predictable: blow the candles out and eat his birthday cake. Humoristic brushstrokes in a tangle of clear literary and cinematographic references.