Snail and little catterpillar

ISBN: 9788498711370
Col·lecció: NANOQOS
Autor: Quintero, Armando
Editorial: OQO
Publicat: 2.009
Classe: LIBROS

Idioma: ENG
Enquadernació: TAPA DURA
Pàgines: 24
Termini d'entrega: 5 Dies
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7,70 € 7.7 EUR 8,10 €

8,10 €

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    Mr Snail was eating an enormous, tasty, green leaf. Caterpillar was eating another, the same. Eating from one side, eating from the other... suddenly they met, with unfriendly faces they began to argue: It´s mine! It´s mine!. Meanwhile the pigeon took advantage and eating from one side, eating from the other...