Dieciocho inmigrantes y medio

ISBN: 9788468309019
Col·lecció: TUCAN 10+ VERDE
Autor: Santiago, Roberto
Editorial: EDEBE
Publicat: 2.013
Classe: LIBROS

Idioma: SPA
Pàgines: 1
Termini d'entrega: 5 Dies
(0 revisar)

10,40 € 10.4 EUR 10,95 €

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    Claudio has a special way of seeing the world. Or maybe doesn?t. He might just be an honest kid who watches carefully all that happens around him? For example, his relationship with his dad. Are adults deaf or they just look like if they were? Sometimes children have to practice a sport because their parents want to. This is what happens to the main character of this lovely book, a young boy who resists, without success, to practice judo. ?The colloquial language used by the author, trying to replicate how kids talk, the rendering of their concerns and the adolescent first love is amusing and makes the book to be read with a smile.? Club KirikoIndice 1. Quiero ser inmigrante .......................... 7 2. María Dolores Larraguibel Ortega .........17 3. Estamos deseando conocer a esa chica ...23 4. Para poder entender todo esto .............29 5. Queridos alumnos y alumnas ................31 6. Las cosas cambian ............................. ..41 7. Churro va ...........................................45 8. Siéntate de una vez, blanco ..................53 9. Vamos a votar .....................................61 10. Pero tú has visto cómo tienes el ojo ......69 11. Le di un gancho de izquierda ................77 12. Una experiencia muy positiva ...............83 13. Vaya con los hermanitos ......................89 14. Encantada de conocerte .......................97 15. No sabe, no contesta .........................105 16. Dos cosas muy importantes ................113