Tom Sawyer

ISBN: 9788419365163
Col·lecció: UNIVERSALS
Autor: Twain, mark
Publicat: 2.022
Classe: LIBROS

Idioma: ENG
Enquadernació: RUSTICA
Pàgines: 96
Termini d'entrega: 4 Dies
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13,30 € 13.3 EUR 14,00 €

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    Looky here, Huck, Ill tell you one thing thats mighty curious. Up to the time we went out last night the family hadnt heard about Jake Dunlap being murdered. Now the men that chased Hal Clayton and Bud Dixon away would spread the thing around in a half an hour, and every neighbor that heard it would shin out and fly around from one farm to tother and try to be the first to tell the news. Land, they dont have such a big thing as that to tell twice in thirty years! Huck, its mighty strange;I dont understand it.Tom Sawyer, detective (1896) is a sequel of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), books that he wrote to earn his younger readers esteem. In this book, full of humor and influenced by Conan Doyles novels, young Tom (like Sherlock Holmes) tries to solve a mysterious murder helped by Huckleberry, who parodies Watson.