Main challenges in poultry farming. Hatchery vaccination

ISBN: 9788416315598
Autor: Abdul-Careem, Mohamed Faizal
Editorial: SERVET
Publicat: 2.016
Classe: LIBROS

Idioma: ENG
Enquadernació: RUSTICA
Pàgines: 62
Termini d'entrega: 4 Dies
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28,50 € 28.5 EUR 30,00 €

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    The number of new technology vaccines available has been increased worldwide, as well as their widespread use in the poultry industry, especially at hatchery level. Therefore, an updated review with practical and visual approachs has been developed in order to highlight the importance of hatchery vaccination in poultry farming, whatever the vaccination technique used (in ovo, subcutaneous or spray vaccination), to control the main diseases affecting this species (infectious bursal disease, Newcastle disease, infectious laryngotracheitis, etc.). This handbook has been written by an expert with a wide experience in this field. Numerous graphic resources have been included to complement the information provided and make the contents more understandable and accessible to readers.