Forbidden Places Volume 3

ISBN: 9782361951313
Autor: Margaine, Sylvain
Editorial: JONGLEZ
Publicat: 2.015
Classe: LIBROS

Idioma: ENG
Enquadernació: TAPA DURA
Pàgines: 256
Termini d'entrega: 4 Dies
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33,25 € 33.25 EUR 35,00 €

35,00 €

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    Seek out a marine graveyard in Brittany, a spectacular former coal mine inGermany s Ruhr basin, an abandoned hospital complex in Poland, ghostlyplaster figures installed at a dilapidated church in the Czech Republic, closed-down prisons and asylums, deserted factories... Since the resounding success of his two earlier volumes, published in 2009and 2013, Sylvain Margaine still travels the world in search of theseforbidden places, forgotten by everyone. An exceptional photographic report."