Meaning Making Machine

ISBN: 9788413693255
Autor: Fernández Santiago, Miriam
Editorial: COMARES
Publicado: 2.022

Idioma: ENG
Encuadernación: RUSTICA
Páginas: 248
Plazo de entrega: 4 Días
(0 reseña)

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    is a study of meaninglessness at the core of meaning making. It contends that some textual strategies typical of humorous and postmodern discourses apparently aiming at meaninglessness are in fact inherent features of all discourse that allow for an exponential production of meaning. In times when information-saturated digital markets strive to thrive by cashing on human attention, the threats ofpost-truth, fragmentation, spectacularity and stunt emotion are nonetheless confronted with a return to populism and essentialist metanarratives.