ISBN: 9781908411433
Colección FICCION
Autor: No definido
Publicado: 2.014

Idioma: ENG
Encuadernación: OTRO FORMATO LIBRO
Páginas: 178
Plazo de entrega: 5 Días
(0 reseña)

7,89 € 7.890000000000001 EUR 8,31 €

8,31 €

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    \"Helsa, the exceptionally beautiful daughter of the Reverend Alfred Irvin, is thrilled when she learns that Irvin Hall, their vast ancestral home, has been rented for a large sum by a certain Lady Basset.Her Ladyship wishes to host a grand house party and has invited a number of distinguished guests including the handsome Duke of Mervinston.Helsa?s friend, Mary, agrees to play the vital role of lady?s maid to Lady Basset. But at the last minute Mary cannot do it as she has to visit her ill grandmother.So Helsa has to step into her shoes and be the lady?s maid.To everyone?s surprise Lady Basset organises a steeplechase and the Duke is the favourite to win on his stallion Masterpiece.However Helsa uncovers a dastardly plot on the day of the steeplechase to lure the Duke into marrying against his will.How Helsa saves the Duke and unexpectedly finds the love of her life is all told in this exciting romance by BARBARA CARTLAND.\"